

Families in Transition

When families find themselves in transition (homeless) due to economic or social factors Princeton Public Schools puts a high priority on students receiving education and services in their schools-of origin (the school a student attended when first homeless). Education in their school-of-origin provides students with stability when other many family factors are in flux. School stability and continuity of instruction are linked to school success including achievement, grade promotion and graduation. A child may lose 4-6 months of academic progress with each move to a new school.

McKinney-Vento Education for Children and Youth who are Homeless

The federal McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act (NCLB, Title X.C) requires that children and youth who experience homelessness receive a free appropriate public education. The Act requires public schools, whether or not they receive Title I funds, dedicated homeless education funds or any federal funds to remove barriers to homeless students' enrollment attendance and success.

What to do when you and your family are in transition

Contact your child's school Homeless Liaison.

Residency Questionnaire


High School

Middle School

Intermediate School

Lynn Nettifee

Teacher, Intermediate School Homeless Liaison

Primary School

Peggy Swenson

School Social Worker, Primary School Homeless Liaison

Family Center

Student Services