

Flexible Learning Days

At Princeton Public Schools we believe that learning can and should occur anywhere. With that in mind, we have introduced the concept of flexible learning days. Flexible learning days mean that school can be in session without students and staff being physically present at the school. Days may be planned in advance and take place in the event of an unscheduled school closure, redefining the meaning of a “snow day”. Flexible learning days may also be used to make up previously-canceled days.

With 1:1 Chromebooks that students transport to and from school daily in 6-12 and widespread access to the internet in our district, our teachers and students in MS, HS and SS have the ability to interact with one another in an online environment to share lessons, answer questions, and guide learning. We understand some of our students do not have access to reliable internet. Because of this all assignments given on flexible learning days will have flexible due dates. Teachers will be available both the day of and the week following a flexible learning day to help students with their assignments and questions.

Students in K-5 have devices that stay primarily at school and can not be relied upon to be home if a flexible learning day is unplanned.  In this case, every grade level will have a Flexible Learning Menu that will be sent out to students prior to any Flexible Learning Days and available on our website. Students in grades K-5 will complete digital and/or non-digital activities in their grade level and one activity for Specialists on each Flexible Learning Day. Teachers will provide more direction prior to and through communication in the event of a Flexible Learning Day. All K-5 Learning Menus are posted below for your convenience. 

Flexible Learning Plan for PreK-5

  • Teachers will send home the flex learning menus prior to flexible learning days.
  • On flexible learning days teachers will be available by email from 10am-2pm for any questions.
  • Work assigned on flex learning menus will be a review of work already covered in class.
  • Completion of the flexible learning menu is due one week following the flexible learning day.
  • Students/Families will complete and cross off one item under each category on the flexible learning menu.
  • Students will return the tracking sheet or menu with parent signature to school.
  • Flexible learning menus are linked below for families that need another copy.

Flexible Learning Plan for 6-8

  • Students are to have their assigned Chromebook at home with them and therefore can access the assignments and make progress. 
  • Students will be directed to check their Schoology course pages for announcements and work for the day.
  • Teachers will be available on Schoology for students and parents to message if they have questions. 

Flexible Learning Plan for 9-12

  • Students are to have their assigned Chromebook at home with them and therefore can access the assignments and make progress. 
  • Flexible learning assignments are not due the following day. Students have up to 1 week of extended time to submit these assignments. 
  • Teachers will post assignments in Schoology by 10:00am on the Flexible Learning Day.
  • Students have been given directions in class on where and how to access these assignments.
  • Teachers will be available by school email from 10:00am - 2:00pm to answer any questions.
  • Princeton Online Minnesota - Students taking courses through are expected to continue their work as usual. No extensions will be made for online courses as flexibility is already built in to the courses.
  • OJT - Students in OJT continue their work as usual. No additional assignments or extended time will be created for the OJT period. Teacher meetings scheduled on a flexible learning day will be rescheduled.

Flex Learning Plans for K-5