

Teaching & Learning

Princeton Public Schools is an innovative leader in instruction, developing in EVERY learner the ability to succeed in an ever-changing world. In order to make this happen we are dedicated to continuous improvement of three goal areas related to student learning:

  • Developing an increasingly-effective guaranteed, coherent and viable curriculum based on the MN academic standards
  • Deepening our use of the Princeton Paradigm as our model of instruction
  • Fostering authentic literacy (reading, writing, thinking, and speaking) across all content areas

The cumulative result of our work is tigers (students) with habits of critical thinking, positive leadership, effective communication, self awareness, and empathetic citizenship.

Princeton Paradigm
Princeton Paradigm graphic



Habits of a Tiger

Princeton Public Schools collaborated with our staff, students and community members established the Habits of a Tiger as are our desired result of the Pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade experience. We want our Tigers to be critical  thinkers and positive leaders who are continuously improving their communication skills, self awareness, and empathy for others. Specifics on what that means is shown in the graphic below.

Samantha Heitke

Titles: Advanced Academics Coordinator

Dayna Hillcrest

Titles: ELL Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: (763) 389-7231

Sarah Julson

Titles: Literacy Coach
Phone Numbers:
School: (763) 389-6955

Andrea Preppernau

Titles: Assessment & Special Prog Coor

Calvin Schmock

Titles: American Indian Liaison

Sonia Strickland


Jessica Town-Gunderson

Titles: Director of Teaching & Learning
Phone Numbers:
School: 763-389-7278