

Community Education News

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Tiger Club registration for Fall 2024/25 opens March 12 @ 8:00 AM
Summer Registration opens February 26 @ 8:00 AM

Summer Tiger Club is a fun place for students to come and connect with other kids.  There are weekly themes, learning, activities, lots of outdoor time, presentations, field trips, and so much fun.  Registration for summer will open on Monday, February 26 at 8:00am.  Summer is open to kids ages 3 to entering 6th grade.  Preschoolers must be potty trained and plan to attend preschool in the fall of 2024.

School Year 2024/25 Tiger Club registration will open up on Tuesday, March 12 at 8:00am. Students enrolled in Hand in Hand preschool and are potty trained are able to attend the preschool site.  Any K-5 grade student needing before or after school care, or non-school day care has the option to sign up.

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