Tiger Club
School Year
School Year Tiger Club
Gr. K-5 Tiger Club is on a waitlist for the 2024-25 school year 2024-25. Waitlists are adjusted throughout the school year. Preschool Tiger Club still has openings for the 2024-25 school year. Register through Eleyo here.
Tiger Club is a Preschool and School Age Program that offers creative, safe, and engaging fun before and after school and during the summer months. Showing "Tiger Pride" is our goal. We work to offer a variety of well supervised, nurturing activities that work with the whole child and helping them as they grow. Program activities include health and wellness, arts and crafts, technology play and learning, building relationships and friendships, and developing social skills.
The program is designed to help meet each families needs, with options for childcare. We offer consistent and pick your days/drop-in schedule.
Please review the "Preschool Program" and "School Age Program (K-5)" tabs for more details on the school year.
Preschool Program
Preschool Program
Tiger Club is proud to offer a companion child care program to our Hand in Hand Preschool schedule. Children entering our Summer Tiger Club program do NOT need to be enrolled in a Hand in Hand Preschool class, but priority enrollment is given to those who are. Children entering our School Year Tiger Club program DO need to be enrolled in a Hand in Hand Preschool class. All preschoolers attending Preschool Tiger Club must be 3 years old, toilet trained, and self-sufficient in the bathroom.
We are proud to say that Tiger Club is a Parent Aware 4 Star Program, and we work with the Hand in Hand staff to further enrich your child’s experience at preschool. School year information:
- Location: Family Center, 706 First Street, Princeton, MN
- Hours: 6:00am-5:30pm
- Monday-Friday on school days and some non-school days
School Age Program (K-5)
School Age Care Program
Before and after school care is offered for children grades K-5. We are also open on most non-school days. Activities include: arts & crafts, reading fun, math games, gym time, computer lab or iPad time, outdoor activities, as well as guest speakers, field trips, and more! An after school snack is included.
- Location: Primary School for Grades K-5
- Hours: 6am until school begins and after school until 6pm
- Monday - Friday on school days and some non-school days.
Non-School Days
Registering for Non-School Day Care
You must register your child at least two weeks prior to the non-school day. Using Eleyo, registering for child care on a non-school day is easy.
1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
The Sign In page is displayed.
2. Sign into your account.
Your Dashboard is displayed.
3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account.
The child care contract page is displayed.
4. Click Register Non-School Days.
5. Select your attending child and click Continue.
6. Select the season and click Continue.
A list of Non-School Days for the selected season is displayed.
7. Select the Non-School Days you want to register for.
8. Click Continue.
The Choose Location screen is displayed.
9. Select the Non-School Day location from the drop down for each selected date.
10. Click Continue.
If your district has setup terms and conditions or any required questions for registration for the Non-School days, you will be presented with them here.
Once all steps have been completed, your request for non-school day care will be submitted and is pending approval from the district. When the district has approved the request, you will receive an email confirmation of the approval.
Note: Non-School Days can only be canceled from your account page before they are approved by your district or organization. If you need to cancel care on a Non-School Day after it has been approved, you must contact the site administrator for your district or organization.
Viewing Registered Non-School Days
Once your request for Non-School Day care is approved, you can view those dates by:
- Click Your Dashboard in the footer section.
- Under “Your Accounts” select the child care account the non-school days are associated with.
- Under “Current and Upcoming Contracts” select your child’s contract
Any non-school days the child is registered for will be listed under the “Non-School Days” header.
Summer 2024
Summer 2024 Tiger Club
Summer Tiger Club will service students starting preschool through students beginning 6th grade in the 2024-25 school year. Students do NOT need to be enrolled in Hand in Hand Preschool nor Princeton Public Schools to attend summer Tiger Club. Preschoolers must be toilet trained and self-sufficient in the bathroom to attend.
Summer Tiger Club registration is open! You can register through Eleyo here.
Location & Dates
Summer Tiger Club location is at the Intermediate School
Summer Tiger Club is open June 4 - August 22 from 6 AM - 6 PM, M-F.
There is no Tiger Club on the following days: June 3, June 19, July 4, July 5, August 23, or the week of August 26. Community Ed camps and classes may be available some of these days; stay tuned in late March!
Contact Types & Fees
Registration Fee: $37/contract (includes t-shirt. Please note that this registration fee is non-refundable for withdrawn contracts at any time after registering a student. Students do not receive a t-shirt if their contract is pulled before summer starts).
Field Trip Fee: $115/contract (charged on your first summer invoice if your child is registered for any field trip days. We do not pro-rate; the $115 fee applies for any number of summer field trips your child attends.)
Daily Fee: $37/day (must have 36+ scheduled days for summer), $41/day (fewer than 36 scheduled days for summer and drop-in rate)
See calendar below for summer breakdown.
The field trip fee ($115/contract) is charged on the first summer invoice and due that same week. This fee will cover admission fees and transportation costs for the entire summer and is an additional cost to the daily fee. The field trip fee is a set price and you do not receive a discount or refund for any missed field trips. Please note that all staff go on field trips. If you do not wish to participate in the field trips, you must make sure you do not have any field trip dates selected on your contract or you will be charged. You will also need to find separate child care on field trip days.
Adding Days
You are responsible for confirming your schedule and the dates you sign up for before summer schedules are due on May 20. Login to your Eleyo account to view the dates you registered for. You may add additional days to your contract after registration. All schedule change requests after this day must be made 14 days in advance through your Eleyo account. Requests will NOT be accepted through other forms of communication (i.e. Seesaw, email, in person, phone, etc.), only through Eleyo. Please note that any days requested are granted on a space-available basis only. You will receive an email confirmation when your request has been approved and your childcare account will be charged the $15 schedule change fee.
Adding day requests made within 14 days will also be on a space-available basis, but must be made in writing to your Site Supervisor via Seesaw or email. You cannot request changes in Eleyo for any dates already invoiced. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation from your Site Supervisor. You will be charged at the drop-in rate and you will be charged the $15 schedule change fee.
Removing Days
You may remove days from your contract after registration and by May 20, but you must still meet the 36+ scheduled days for summer to stay at the $37/day rate. If you drop below 36 days, you will be charged back to the beginning of summer for each day and be required to pay the $41/day rate. Please note: it is your responsibility to ensure that you have signed up for all the correct dates. You will be billed for all scheduled days regardless of attendance. Tiger Club is not responsible for confirming that the dates you register for are correct, nor responsible for reaching out to you about absences on scheduled dates.
Schedule change requests after May 20 must be made 14 days in advance through your Eleyo account. You will receive an email confirmation if your request has been approved by your Site Supervisor and your childcare account will be charged the $15 schedule change fee. You cannot make any schedule changes in Eleyo for dates already invoiced. If you submit a request within 14 days, you will be required to pay the daily rate for all scheduled days regardless of attendance.
Invoicing & Late Fees
See the Tiger Club summer calendar below for summer invoicing and due dates (also posted on-site at Primary). Invoices occur every other week on Tuesdays and you must pay the contract amount by Friday of that same week. You pay for the upcoming two weeks of care and are required to pay your invoice in full regardless of attendance. Tiger Club is not responsible for contacting you about absences nor confirming your summer schedule/dates you registered for. If you do not pay your invoice by the Friday due date, you will incur a $25 late fee on your account. Late fees will accrue each pay period you are late in making the payment on the past due invoice. We will not remove late fees for late payments made. We encourage all families to sign up for auto-pay in Eleyo to ensure payment is made on time and to avoid late fees and your childcare being paused.
Field Trip Schedule
Tiger Club will go on the following field trips in the summer of 2024:
- June 12th - Taylors Falls Boat Tour
- June 25th - Science Museum
- July 10th - Bunker Beach
- July 24th - Cascade Bay
- August 8th - County Fair
- August 13th - Elm Creek Park