


Primary school paw logo

We're searching for a Primary School principal, and your input is invaluable! Fill out our survey and share your thoughts on the qualities you believe are essential for our next principal. Your feedback will help us select a leader who will best serve Princeton families. Let's work together to ensure a bright future for our school community.

  • Tiger Times
two people with word bubbles

We believe in fostering a positive relationship between Princeton Public Schools and the community. If you ever have feedback or concerns, we encourage you to communicate directly with our team members. Your insights help us create a supportive and enriching educational environment for all.

  • Tiger Times
PHS Career Academies Banner Animation

As our incoming 9th-grade students prepare to register for classes, we're thrilled to introduce them to our dynamic Career Academies. High school isn't just about learning subjects; it's about discovering interests and preparing for the future.

  • Tiger Times
  • high school
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