

Tiger Community Connections

Tiger Community Connections is a business-education partnerships in Princeton dedicated to building strong bonds between our local schools and business communities.

Our goals include educating students about the spectrum of employment opportunities that are available to them, building in them the skills needed to be successful in the world of work, and opening doors between local schools and businesses in order to better inform each about the other.

Relationships are the key

Our mission is to create and nurture active partnerships within our community in order to develop and foster effective two-way communication between businesses and schools, and assure relevance in learning.

We believe that education works best when learners are able to apply what they learn in school to life and work situations.

How we partner

Committee Members
  • Kim Young, Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Jade Joseph-Bular: Dean of Students
  • Ben Barton: Superintendent of Schools
  • Chelsey Peterson: Crystal Cabinet Works, Inc.
  • Deb Ulm: Steinbrecher Painting
  • Emily Carpenter: M Health Fairview
  • Jeff Schultz: Princeton High School Guidance Counselor
  • Jessica Town-Gunderson: Director of Teaching & Learning
  • Martha Ahlschlager: Fremont Village Senior Living
  • Jamie Pendy: Sterling Pointe Senior Living
  • Tiffany Schomel: Plastic Products, Co
  • Tricia Ford: Princeton High School Guidance Counselor
  • Emorie Colby: Princeton High School Assistant Principal
  • Barb Muckenhirn: Princeton High School Principal
  • Bobbi Benner: Princeton Middle School Guidance Counselor
  • Charlie Bakker: Princeton Middle School Principal
  • Kelcie Neumann: Princeton Middle School Guidance Counselor
  • Rebecca Perrotti: Central MN Jobs & Training
  • Heather Sorenson - Princeton High School Youth Skills Training Coordinator

Becoming a Member

Being a Tiger Community Connections member is all about supporting the school district and the students in our community. Our goals are centered around building a skilled and competent workforce.

Our goal and our role as business members is building the workforce rather than advancing our personal businesses. We serve as a bridge to the community for career experiences. Our activities are centered on building career skills in students and building an awareness in educators of the skills needed to be successful in the workplace.

Member Expectations

  • To contribute with students best interests in mind
  • To have a passion for supporting students
  • To attend and participate in committee activities
  • To listen in the community and report back on student readiness and literacies

If you are interested in joining our committee please fill out our very short application. We meet monthly on the 1st Wednesday of each month in the District Center from 7:30am to 8:45am. Please consider sharing your expertise and giving input on building a skilled workforce. Applications are reviewed monthly.

“Businesses Supporting Schools Supporting Businesses”

Tiger Community Connections Member Application

Businesses Supporting Schools -- Schools Supporting Businesses