

Policy 497 - School District Policy on Picketing


Independent School District No. 477, Princeton, Minnesota, has a right and obligation to protect school grounds and to continue to conduct school business during an employee strike; public employees have a legal right to strike; that the following policy regulating picketing be adopted:

1. The proper and lawful access to and egress from School District property and facilities shall remain free from interference, or disruption or the imminent threat thereof.

2. No picketer while on private or public grounds adjacent to any School District building in which School District business is being conducted shall act in a manner threatening to the safety of persons or creating an interference that substantially disturbs the conduct of business.

3. Persons involved in picketing activities shall not obstruct or unreasonably interfere with the normal access to an egress from School District property and facilities; no picketing or activities collateral to or arising out of the picketing activities will be permitted in School District facilities while School District business is being conducted.

4. No person, while engaged in picketing activities on public or private grounds adjacent to any building in which a school or any class thereof is in session, shall willfully make or assist in the making of any noise or diversion which disturbs or imminently threatens to disturb the peace and good order of such session or class thereof.

Adopted: January 2, 1992
Revised: August 11, 1998
Revised (Renumbered): May 22, 2007
Revised: January 12, 2010
Reviewed: August 18, 2015
Reviewed: March 21, 2017
Reviewed: May 21, 2019
Reviewed: July 20, 2021