

Policy 606 - Textbooks, Instructional Materials, and Library Materials


The purpose of this policy is to provide direction for selection of textbooks and instructional materials for classrooms, and library materials for media centers.


The school board recognizes that selection of textbooks and instructional materials is a vital component of the school district’s curriculum.  The school board recognizes that library materials enrich the breadth of the curriculum as a whole and meets the needs and interests of individual students. The school board also recognizes that it has the authority to make final decisions on selection of all textbooks, instructional materials, and library materials.

  1. While the school board retains its authority to make final decisions on the selection of textbooks,instructional materials, and library materials the school board recognizes the expertise of the professional staff and the vital need of such staff to be primarily involved in the recommendation of textbooks,  instructional materials and library materials.  Accordingly, the school board delegates to the superintendent the responsibility to direct the professional staff in formulating recommendations to the school board on textbooks, instructional materials, and library materials.
  2. While recommendations by administrators, faculty members, students, parents, and other community members may be considered, the final responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the library media specialist.
  1. In reviewing textbooks and instructional materials during the selection process, the professional staff shall select materials that:
    1. support the goals and objectives of the education programs;
    2. consider the needs, age, and maturity of students; foster respect and appreciation for cultural diversity and varied opinion;
    3. fit within the constraints of the school district budget;
    4. are in the English language. Another language may be used, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 124D.61;
    5. permit grade-level instruction for students to read and study America’s founding documents, including documents that contributed to the foundation or maintenance of America’s representative form of limited government, the Bill of Rights, our free-market economic system, and patriotism; and
    6. do not censor or restrain instruction in American or Minnesota state history or heritage based on religious references in original source documents, writings, speeches, proclamations, or records.
    7. illustrate the accurate contributions made by various groups to our national heritage and the world;
    8. illustrate historical and contemporary forces in society to enable users to recognize and understand social, economic, personal, and political problems;
    9. provide various points of view about issues, including those considered to be controversial;
    10. represent the various cultural theories about the physical environment and the universe.
  2.  The library materials selection process should result in a library collection   that, when considered as a whole, is consistent with the following criteria;
    1. Library materials shall support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the state and the district and the aims and objectives of individual schools and specific courses;
    2. Library materials shall be chosen to enrich and support the curriculum as well as to promote reading for pleasure by responding to the personal needs and interests of student users;
    3. Library materials shall not be excluded because of the race, nationality, religion, sex, gender, or political views of the writer;
    4. Library materials shall be appropriate to and reflect the needs, ages, maturity level, emotional development, ability levels, learning styles, social development, background, diversity, and needs and interests of the students for whom the materials were selected;
    5. Library materials shall meet high standards of quality in one or more of these categories (presented alphabetically): 
      1. Artistic quality and/or literary style;
      2. Authenticity; 
      3. Critical thinking;
      4. Educational significance; 
      5. Factual content;
      6. High interest for intended audience; and
      7. Readability.
    6. The selection of library materials shall conform to the constraints of the school district budget.
  1. The discarding of outdated and worn resources is necessary to keep materials current. The decision for discarding textbooks will be made by the Director of Teaching and Learning.
  2. Library materials that are outdated, inaccurate, no longer useful for curricular support or reading enrichment, or have not been utilized for an extended period of time may be removed. Library materials that are in poor physical condition may be removed or replaced as determined by the library media specialist or the principal. 
  1. The school board recognizes differences of opinion on the part of some members of the school district community relating to certain areas of the instruction program. Interested persons may request an opportunity to review materials and submit a request for reconsideration of the use of certain textbooks or instructional materials.
  2. Informal Request for Alternative Materials or Reconsideration of a Specific Textbook or Instructional Materials
    1. Informal requests for reconsideration of a specific textbook or instructional material shall be directed to the teacher. 
    2. The teacher shall provide an explanation to the individual who submitted the request explaining state academic standards, and the role the materials play in helping the student meet the standards. Guidance from Policy 606 - Criteria for Selection may also be referenced. 
    3. If appropriate, the teacher may offer a different option to help the student achieve grade level standards.
    4. If the request is not resolved informally, the requestor will have an option to initiate a Formal Request for Alternative Materials for a specific student or Formal Request for Reconsideration of Materials for all students.
  3. Informal Request for Reconsideration of Specific Library Material
    1. Informal requests for reconsideration of specific library material shall be directed to the library media specialist and the building principal.  The building principal and the library media specialist shall assume responsibility for processing the request on an informal basis.
    2. The building principal and/or the library media specialist shall provide an explanation to the individual who submitted the request. The explanation shall include the particular selection criteria that the material in question met in order to be included in the library as curriculum support or as an independent reading choice for students in the building.
    3. If the request is not resolved informally, the principal shall submit a report on the matter to the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee.  The requestor will have an option to initiate a Formal Request for Reconsideration of specific library 

Legal References:

  • Minn. Stat. § 120A.22, Subd. 9 (Compulsory Instruction)
  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.20 (Parental Curriculum)
  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.235 (American Heritage Education)
  • Minn. Stat. § 123B.02, Subd. 2 (General Powers of Independent School Districts)
  • Minn. Stat. § 123B.09, Subd. 8 (School Board Responsibilities)
  • Minn. Stat. § 124D.59-124D.61 (Education for English Learners Act)
  • Minn. Stat. § 127A.10 (State Officials and School Board Members to be Disinterested; Penalty)
  • Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988)
  • Pratt v. Independent Sch. Dist. No. 831, 670 F.2d 771 (8th Cir. 1982)

Cross References:

Adopted: November 10, 2008
Revised: October 20, 2015
Reviewed: February 21, 2017
Revised: June 20, 2023