

Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements


The purpose of this policy is to set forth requirements for graduation from Princeton Public Schools.


It is the policy of the school district that all students must follow state statutes and state requirements. Students must complete other district requirements as established by the school board in order to graduate.

  1. “Course credit” is equivalent to a student’s successful completion of an academic unit of study or a student’s mastery of the applicable subject matter, as determined by the school district.
  2. “MDE” means the Minnesota Department of Education.
  3. “504 Plan” or “Section 504 Accommodation” means the defined appropriate accommodations or modifications that must be made in the school environment to address the needs of an individual student with disabilities.
  4. “Individualized Education Program,” or “IEP,” means a written statement developed for a student eligible by law for special education and services.
  5. “Limited English Proficient” or “LEP” student means an individual whose first language is not English and whose test performance may be negatively impacted by lack of English language proficiency.

District Director of Teaching and Learning or other appointed administrator shall be named the school district test administrator. Said person shall be in charge of all test procedures.

  1. All students must complete all preparatory content standards as per state and district requirements.
  2. All students must successfully complete the required graduation standards. In addition,
    1. Students must complete the required number of high school credits and required courses in grades 9-12 as outlined in the Princeton High School Registration Guide. Specific course requirements and prerequisites are identified in the Princeton High School Registration Guide. Table 1 indicates the number of credits required for specific graduating classes. Table 2 indicates additional requirements.

Table 1

Table 2

Number of Credits Required for Graduation by Academic Department.
Specific course requirements listed in Registration Guide.

This table reflects requirements for Class of 2021 & beyond.

State Requirement Clarification


  1. Have met the requirements of an IEP or 504 Plan.
  1. Elective standards in health and physical education, vocational and technical education, and world languages are developed locally and placed in courses. The following Minnesota Academic Standards, in accordance with the standards developed by the MDE, have been placed within the above courses and selected electives. The most recent standard versions are placed within curriculum according to the district review process. Specific course requirements are designed to meet the Minnesota Academic Standards and subject to change.
    1. Minnesota Academic Standards, Language Arts K-12;
    2. Minnesota Academic Standards, Mathematics K-12;
    3. Minnesota Academic Standards, Science K-12;
    4. Minnesota Academic Standards, Social Studies K-12; and
    5. Minnesota Academic Standards with Local Adaptations, K-12 Art
  1. For students enrolled in grade 8 in the 2012-2013 school year and later, students’ state graduation requirements, based on a longitudinal, systematic approach to student education and career planning, assessment, instructional support, and evaluation, include the following:
    1. an opportunity encouragement to participate on a nationally normed college entrance exam in grade 11 or grade 12;
    2. achievement and career and college readiness tests in mathematics, reading, and writing. The tests must have a continuum of empirically derived, clearly defined benchmarks focused on students’ attainment of knowledge and skills so that students, their parents, and teachers know how well students must perform to have a reasonable chance to succeed in a career or college without the need for postsecondary remediation. In addition, the tests must ensure that the foundational knowledge and skills for students’ successful performance in postsecondary employment or education and articulated series of possible targeted interventions are clearly identified and satisfy Minnesota’s postsecondary admission requirements. To the extent available, the tests should:
      1. monitor students’ continuous development of and growth in requisite knowledge and skills; analyze students’ progress and performance levels, identifying students’ academic strengths and diagnosing areas where students require curriculum or instructional adjustments, targeted interventions, or remediation; and 
      2. based on analysis of students’ progress and performance data, determine students’ learning and instructional needs and the instructional tools and best practices that support academic rigor for the student; and
      3. consistent with this paragraph and Minn. Stat. § 120B.125 (see Policy 604, Section II.H.), age-appropriate exploration and planning activities and career assessments to encourage students to identify personally relevant career interests and aptitudes and help students and their families develop a regularly reexamined transition plan for postsecondary education or employment without need for postsecondary remediation. 
      4. Based on appropriate state guidelines, students with an IEP may satisfy state graduation requirements by achieving an individual score on the state-identified alternative assessments. 
      5. Students meeting the state graduation requirements under this section must receive targeted, relevant, academically rigorous, and resourced instruction which may include a targeted instruction and intervention plan focused on improving the student’s knowledge and skills in core subjects so that the student has a reasonable chance to succeed in a career or college without need for postsecondary remediation. 
      6. Students meeting the state graduation requirements under this section and who are students in grade 11 or 12 and who are identified as academically ready for a career or college must be actively encouraged by the school district to participate in courses and programs awarding college credit to high school students. Students are not required to achieve a specified score or level of proficiency on an assessment under this subdivision to graduate from high school.
      7. A student’s progress toward career and college readiness must be recorded on the student’s high school transcript. 

Students may be considered for early graduation, as provided for within Minn. Stat. § 120B.07 upon meeting the following conditions:

  1. All course or standards and credit requirements must be met;
  2. All applicable state and district graduation test requirements and Career & College Readiness Requirements must be met.
  3. The principal or designee shall conduct an interview with the student and parent or guardian, familiarize the parties with opportunities available in post-secondary education, and recommend or not recommend early graduation to the principal.

The school district will notify students and their parents of the school district’s graduation requirements within 30 working days of a student’s entry into ninth grade.

Legal References:

  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.02 (Educational Expectations for Minnesota’s Students)
  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.024 (Graduation Requirements; Course Credits)
  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.07 (Early Graduation)
  • Minn. Stat. § 120B.11 (School District Process)
  • Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0010-3501.0180 (Rules Relating to Graduation Standards - Mathematics and Reading)
  • Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0200-3501.0290 (Rules Relating to Graduation Standards - Written Composition)
  • Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0505-3501.0635 (K-12 Standards)
  • 20 U.S.C. § 6301, et seq. (No Child Left Behind Act)

Cross References:

Adopted: April 23, 1996
Revised: July 21, 1998
Revised: October 25, 2005
Revised: April 24, 2007
Revised: April 22, 2008
Revised: August 25, 2009
Revised: August 27, 2013
Reviewed: October 20, 2015
Revised: February 21, 2017
Revised: April 16, 2019
Revised: June 20, 2023
Revised: February 20, 2024