Policy 903 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
The purpose of this policy is to inform the school community and the general public of the position of the school board on visitors to school buildings and other school property.
A. The school board encourages interest on the part of parents and community members in school programs and student activities. The school board welcomes visits to school buildings and school property by parents and community members provided the visits are consistent with the health, education and safety of students and employees and are conducted within the procedures and requirements established by the school district.
B. The school board reaffirms its position on the importance of maintaining a school environment that is safe for students and employees and free of activity that may be disruptive to the student learning process or employee working environment.
A. A student enrolled in a post-secondary enrollment options course may remain at the school site during regular school hours in accordance with established procedures.
B. A student enrolled in a post-secondary enrollment options course may be provided with reasonable access, during regular school hours, to a computer and other technology resources that the student needs to complete coursework for a post-secondary enrollment course in accordance with established procedures.
A. The school district administration is responsible for visitor and post-secondary enrollment options student procedures and requirements.
B. The superintendent shall be responsible for providing coordination that may be needed throughout the process and providing for periodic school board review and approval of the procedures.
A. An individual, post-secondary enrollment options student, or group may be denied permission to visit a school or school property or such permission may be revoked if the visitor(s) does not comply with the school district procedures and regulations or if the visit is not in the best interest of students, employees or the school district.
B. Visitors, including post-secondary enrollment options students, are authorized to park vehicles on school property at times and in locations specified in the approved visitor procedures and requirements which are an addendum to this policy or as otherwise specifically authorized by school officials. When unauthorized vehicles of visitors are parked on school property, school officials may:
- move the vehicle or require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move it off school district property; or
- if unattended, provide for the removal of the vehicle, at the expense of the owner or operator, to the nearest convenient garage or other place of safety off of school property.
C. An individual, post-secondary enrollment options student, or group who enters school property without complying with the procedures and requirements may be guilty of criminal trespass and thus subject to criminal penalty. Such persons may be detained by the school principal or a person designated by the school principal in a reasonable manner for a reasonable period of time pending the arrival of a police officer.
Legal References:
- Minn. Stat. § 123B.02 (General Powers of Independent School Districts)
- Minn. Stat. § 124D.09 (Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act)
Minn. Stat. § 128C.08 (Assaulting a Sports Official Prohibited)
Minn. Stat. § 609.605, Subd. 4 (Trespass)
Adopted August 10, 2010
Reviewed: June 25, 2103
Revised: May 17, 2016
Reviewed: August 18, 2016
Revised: April 3, 2018
Reviewed: October 15, 2019
Reviewed: October 20, 2020
Revised: May 2, 2023