

Tiger Team Update

Welcome to your Tiger Team Update for the 19-20 school year! This monthly publication is for our ISD477 Team Members to help keep you informed on what's going on in the district.

10.17.19 Tiger Team Update

Culture of Storytellers

Thank you so much for contributing pictures, videos, and stories about our students to help us tell the Princeton Public Schools story. This is our story and we have a great one to tell! We love the Princeton Tigers and public education.

We cannot allow others to tell our story for us and potentially spin a narrative that paints schools and public education in a negative way. We are all in this together! My challenge to you is for you to become a storyteller and spread the good word of all the amazing things happening at Princeton Public Schools.

Graphic stating we need to make the positive so loud that the negative becomes almost impossible to hear

Soup with the Sup't

Communication is key to the success of any organization and the most powerful communication we have is through face-to-face conversations. I would like to invite teachers and staff members to lunch and casual conversation. Join me for Soup with the 'Supt on Tuesday, November 5th from 11:00-1:00 in the Middle School staff lounge. No RSVP needed.

Please note: I will be visiting each school site throughout the year so all team members will have the chance to join in the conversation!

image reading "soup with the sup't"

Learning Management System

We are working hard for continuous improvement of our Princeton Online Academy (POA) programming. We have put our current program under the microscope and have determined that we need to abandon our relationship with Odysseyware and create our own content and delivery model. For us to do this we need to adopt a Learning Management System (LMS). A learning management system (LMS) is a software for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. Examples of an LMS are Schoology, Canvass, Moodle, D2L, etc.

We are aware that some of our staff across the district utilize some of the free versions of some of the LMS's listed above. Although our POA teachers will be the early adopters of whatever LMS we secure, we know that the likelihood of other schools in the district wanting to use an LMS is high. Therefore, I have asked members of the POA program, members of the District Student Learning Team, and any other staff member interested in utilizing an LMS to form a task force to analyze LMS options and bring a recommendation to the full District Student Learning Team. If you are interested in being on the task force to recommend which LMS we adopt please put your information on this form.

What's the Most Important Issue to Minnesotans?

What do you think is the most important issue to Minnesotans today? I recently attended a meeting where the Morris Leatherman Company presented polling data from Minnesotans on everything from political job approval ratings to important issues in our state. The Morris Leatherman Company is a Minneapolis based research firm that conducts market and opinion research and are considered a leader in providing polling accuracy.

You might be thinking of important issues like health care, state spending and taxes, transportation, the environment, economic development and jobs, or crime and public safety. You would be close if you picked any of those, however you would not be correct. In the most recent polling done, Minnesotans identified education as the most important state issue for the third year in a row.

The polls indicating that education is the most important issue to Minnesotans further validates the importance of what we do in Princeton Public Schools. Our work makes a difference in the lives of our children, our families, our community, our state, our nation, and our world. Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

For our 500 team members in Princeton Public Schools it is humbling, and at the same time, rewarding, to be involved in such important work. In addition to our team, we rely on all community members for partnerships and support. We are all owners of our public schools and all have “skin in the game”. Join us in working together to ensure our schools rank among the top in the state. The development of our students will promote the general well being of our society. Knowledgeable and informed people are better equipped for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, thereby strengthening our community and impacting our nation as a whole.

graph depicting results of voter priorities in MN

Tiger Team Update Archives