

Start Times Task Force

Task Force Recommendation

At the May 24, 2024 board meeting, the Start Times Task Force presented their recommendation to the board.  The task force's short-term recommendation was to push up drop off/pick time by 15 minutes for all buildings. This recommendation would allows the district to make an immediate impact that aligns with the desired long-term solution.  The board unanimously accepted the proposed change for the 2024-25 school year.  See the full presentation here.

The new school times for the 2024-25 school year will be:

  • Primary/Intermediate: 7:30 - 1:45
  • Middle School: 8:35 - 3:15
  • High School: 8:30 - 3:00
  • Student Services: 7:45 - 2:35
Introduction / Purpose of Task Force

The pandemic forced Princeton Public Schools into a two-tier bus schedule in 2020. Primary and intermediate students are on the early tier; middle and high school students are on the second tier. With a bus driver shortage, the district has continued the two-tier system, which requires fewer drivers than a single-tier system. Now, three years into the two-tier system, the district has promised to study the impacts of school start times with the two-tier system and consider whether any changes are needed.

While on the surface, it may seem like a simple decision, start times affect every family in our school system (students and staff). To that end, the district has formed a stakeholder task force to study the issue and make a recommendation to the administration and school board.

Princeton is not the first district to undertake a study of start times. There is extensive research on school start times, and there is no easy solution. In December 2023 the district launched the Start Times Task Force, consisting of parents, staff, and student representatives. The committee's purpose is to study the issue and become local experts on the factors for consideration and impacts on our students and families. Task force members were chosen on the criteria of having an open mind, curiosity and a desire to learn. Then, make recommendations in the best interest of all students.

Task Force Members

Sarah Marxhausen

Task Force facilitator, Primary School Principal, Community member, Elementary/Secondary school aged parent

Jeremy Peterson

Healthcare Medical Advisor, Community member,  Elementary school aged parent

Eylee Hincher

High School Student (Activities: Play and Speech), Community Member

Brianne Becker

Daycare Director, Community member, Elementary school aged parent

Jennifer Super

Community member, Elementary/Secondary school aged parent

Anne Mundt

Community member, Secondary school aged parent

Tara Gann

Primary School teacher, Elementary school aged parent

Carrie Stencel

Intermediate School teacher, Community member, Secondary school aged parent

Jesse Zimmer

Middle School teacher, Community member, Secondary school aged parent, Coach

Sara Clemons

High school teacher, Community member, Elementary/Secondary school aged parent, Coach

Melissa Lynch

School Board member, Public Engagement committee, Community member, Elementary/Secondary school aged parent

Jessica Town-Gunderson

Director of Teaching & Learning for Princeton Schools 

Peyton Anderson

High School Student (Activities: Cross Country & Track), Community Member

Ashley Pettipiece

PTO representative, Community member, Elementary school aged parent

Stephan Hafften

Community member, Elementary/Secondary school aged parent

Annie Porttiin

Primary School teacher, Community member, Secondary school aged parent

Chad Ruzek

Intermediate School teacher, Community member, Secondary school aged parent, Coach

Jordan Neubauer

Middle School teacher, Community member, Elementary school aged parent

Derek Hasselberg

High school teacher, Elementary school aged parent, Coach

Bethaney Vaale

Palmer Bus representative, Community member, Elementary school aged parent

Task Force Meeting Minutes

Meeting Dates

There are no events to display

Questions or Comments for the Task Force


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