

Securly Internet Filter


Securly Internet Filter

Our district uses Securly content filtering to block access to inappropriate websites and material on school-owned devices.  In addition to blocking inappropriate content, Securly alerts the district when they detect activity such as searches, sites visited, or emails sent/received that indicate a student may be considering self-harm, harming others, or are involved in cyber-bullying.  District administrators and counselors monitor alerts during school hours, on school days. This service was implemented so that school administrators are able to partner with you to provide a safer online experience for your child.

Securly Home App

The Securly Home App allows parents to partner with the district in helping to guide student choices on the internet on their school issued devices while at home. Parents can filter student internet use, access to websites and receive alerts to flagged activity on school devices during non-school hours.  Parents can also receive weekly or daily updates on student device usage. 

This 4 minute video will walk you through the features of the app.

Family Help Resources:
How to Use the Securly Home App