


School Dismissal Time Change Effective Monday, April 26

In order to alleviate the significant wait time for bus students between dismissal and bus arrival, High School will dismiss all students at 3:05 starting on April 26.

May 21:  Last Senior Day 

  • Devices will be collected.  If a device is needed to complete work, students will report to school the following week where a device will be provided during the school day.  

  • Seniors who are passing all classes, have submitted all assigned/required work, submitted a completed PLP (personal learning plan in advisory), and returned all device components are excused for the remainder of the school year.

  • Seniors may report to school the following week of May 24 to complete work, test, meet with teachers.

  • Seniors needing to be on campus after May 21 will enter and sign in at door 1 

    • Check out a device for the day in the media center if needed

    • Report to their regularly scheduled class to meet with their teacher or attend class

    • Buses will run as usual and lunch will be served

  • All senior assignments must be submitted to the teacher by noon on June 1

May 28:  Last Day for Grades 9-11 

  • Devices will be collected.  If a device is needed to complete work, students will report to school the following week where a device will be provided during the school day.  

  • Students in grades 9-11 who are passing all classes, have submitted all assigned/required work, submitted a completed PLP (personal learning plan in advisory), and returned all device components are excused for the remainder of the school year.

  • Students may report to school the following week on June 1, 2, or 3 to complete work, test, or meet with teachers.  This is by appointment with the teacher.

  • Students needing to be on campus after May 28 will enter and sign in at door 1 

    • Check out a device for the day in the media center if needed

    • Report to their regularly scheduled class to meet with their teacher or attend class

    • Buses will run as usual and lunch will be served

    • All student assignments must be submitted to the teacher by noon on June 1

  • high school

Other News

Cap & gown distribution is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th, during the lunch shifts (11:30 am - 1:30 pm). If you/your student still need to order a cap & gown, CLICK HERE to place your order ASAP.