

Curbside Pick-up Changes effective on Dec. 10th

 Beginning on Monday, December 10th, after school curbside pick up for students may look differently as you come into the parking lot.  In order to help ensure student safety as well as increase the efficiency of curbside, the students will be waiting indoors.  For those who do afternoon curbside in their vehicles, you do not need to do anything differently.  We wanted to share this information with you as you will notice the absence of students standing outside.  


As a friendly reminder, there are several ways students can be brought home:

- Bus

- Curbside pick up from within vehicles (colored tags in window)

- Parents/guardians coming indoors to pick up students in the music room

- Students walking home


*If you have a change in your child’s after school routine, please write a note to your child’s teacher.


*If there are Primary school siblings that attend the Intermediate school, the process is the same, the Intermediate students will come to the Primary school to wait with their sibling.


As a resource, please watch the following video that explains after school curbside pick up:

1.       Go to www.isd477.org

2.       At the top of the page, go to SCHOOLS, then click on PRIMARY SCHOOL.

3.       At the top of the Primary School page, go to FAMILIES, then click on CURBSIDE PICKUP.

4.       Click on the YouTube video. 


We appreciate your understanding and patience as we shift our lines from outside to inside.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

 Thank you,

Primary School team

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