

The Princeton Playbook

The Princeton Playbook is your one-stop destination for information related to the 2021-22 school year. Find information such as school supply lists, FAQ's, and our Safe Return to School Plan. 

Update your bookmark! The 21-22 Playbook is now found under the ACADEMICS dropdown of the main district webpage. Additionally, visit our Skyward Family Access toolkit for helpful instructions and how-to videos to help you navigate Family Access.

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Other News

Summer hours are effective June 3 through August 9, and most schools are open by appointment only.

Palmer Bus re-routing all buses this summer, so any family needing busing has to submit through Family Access by August 1.

Princeton Public Schools and Palmer Bus Service partner together to provide transportation services to our families on a daily basis.  Review details carefully if your students need busing for the first day of school this fall.